The Duchess of Sussex has created a new family-focused animated series for the Netflix streaming service. Archewell Productions, the company formed by Prince Harry...
The long-range weather forecast from meteorologist Mike Everett is bleak: “Places like this could become uninhabitable.” He has spent the last week guiding viewers...
Sir Richard Branson’s private space tourism company will launch its first flight carrying the billionaire, two pilots, and three mission specialists to the fringes...
A 14-year-old girl has made history by becoming the first African American to win the 96-year-old US Scripps National Spelling Bee. Zaila Avant-garde, a...
Police bodycam footage shows officers rescuing a six-year-old girl after she was kidnapped from outside her home in Kentucky. The victim was riding her...
Recent record-high temperatures in the US and Canada, which caused hundreds of deaths and huge wildfires, would be “virtually impossible” without climate change, analysis...