In 1993, Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park introduced the world to dinosaurs like never before. While researchers were interested in the reptile that occupied Earth...
When mobile phones first came into existence they were big and unattractive. Several researchers then worked on making them compact and desirable. People gradually...
Governments all over the world are looking at energy security as a priority to power their industries, businesses, homes, and offices. But there are...
An augmented reality (AR) professional 3D-printed a full-scale Velociraptor for his daughter and went on to bring it to life (virtually). A video shared...
Vaping e-cigarettes may not be useful in helping people quit smoking, a recent research suggests. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
Russian actress and a film director returned to Earth Sunday after spending 12 days on the International Space Station (ISS) shooting scenes for the...
While NASA is sending a spacecraft to Jupiter’s asteroids in an unprecedented mission to unravel the mystery of solar system’s origin, a physicist has...
Space has always intrigued humans. While many exploration missions have hitherto focussed on our neighbours like the Moon and Mars, US space agency NASA...
Maintenance of the International Space Station (ISS) can become hectic for astronauts. So, NASA has devised a way to help astronauts with their chores....