A Norwegian cruise liner carrying hundreds of passengers weathered a terrifying storm before a rogue wave temporarily took out its power, stomach-churning footage showed.

Tour operator Thorsten Hansen shared a video of the foamy waves battering the hull of the MS Maud, which made headlines Thursday when its electricity failed mid-voyage.

A few of my guests are not so happy. But most of them are very brave and find it very interesting, he wrote on Facebook.

We’re watching films in our room. Every time we move we nearly go flying, one passenger commented under Hansens post.

Another clip shared on X showed the view of the terrifying swells from the glamorous windows of an on-board suit, which tilted precariously toward the water between each wave.

No fun on the Maud just now, the person behind the camera captioned the footage. One passenger filmed the terrifying waves from their state room. X/@OnDeepWater

The vessel carrying 266 passengers and 131 crew suffered shattered windows on its bridge when it encountered a powerful storm in the North Sea late Thursday, Danish authorities said.

Everyone on board was marked safe, and the ship is being towed to Bremerhafen in Germany, officials with the Danish Joint Rescue Coordination Centre said.

The ships main engine is still functioning, so it can be steered from the engine room on-board.

One passenger, Elizabeth Lawrence, wrote on X that the storm was a terrifying experience.

Ill be honest, there was about 20 minutes yesterday where I thought the ship might capsize, it was rolling so heavily and we didnt have any idea what had happened. It really hit home when they started handing out orange survival suits to everyone (2)— Elizabeth Lawrence (@eclairelaw) December 22, 2023

Ill be honest, there was about 20 minutes yesterday where I thought the ship might capsize, it was rolling so heavily and we didnt have any idea what had happened, she said.

It really hit home when they started handing out orange survival suits to everyone, Lawrence explained.

Lawrence said her group took shelter between buffet tables to avoid flying chairs and furniture.

MS Maud, which is run by the cruise company HX, a unit of Norway’s Hurtigruten Group, left Floroe in Norway on Thursday and was scheduled to arrive in Tilbury in Great Britain on Friday. The storm eventually temporarily disabled the boat’s power. X/@OnDeepWater

The ship was named after a famous polar ship from the 20th century, the cruise lines website explained.

MS Mauds on-board technology makes her exceptionally well-suited to trips through Norway and the British Isles, the company boasted.

A trip on MS Maud can cost up to $10,000, according to the website.

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