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Ternary Developments and Options Swing are being sold to Asset Entities, the Dallas-based digital marketing firm for an undisclosed sum by the founder and CEO of both companies.

Jason Lee told Benzinga in an exclusive interview that he would part with both companies and take the role of chief technology officer at Asset Entities ASST .

Ternary is a platform that specializes in developing software as a service (SaaS) applications, while Options Swing is an educational community that teaches clients about options trading.

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I was looking for a potential exit as a founder, Lee said. But a double acquisition, that one I wasnt quite looking for.

However, with the company that was acquiring us, it was just such a fit in terms of the culture, the technology and the business lines as a whole, he added.

Lee said that he had approached Arshia Sarkhani, founder and CEO of Asset Entities on LinkedIn to talk about their businesses, with the latter eventually making an offer for both companies.

Asset Entities is one of the first companies to base services around Discord communities users of the Discord social platform that uses voice over internet protocol (VoIP).

I think once people see exactly what were doing, what were building and the team weve assembled, its going to be a very attractive company to invest in for the long term, Lee said.

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Photo: Piboon Thongtanyong and ShutterstockLoading… Loading… Loading…