Political aides who worked with Boris Johnson during the partygate scandal are among those who have been nominated for honours in his resignation list.

The former prime minister’s highly anticipated resignation honours list has been published and includes Martin Reynolds, his former principal private secretary, who later earned the nickname “party Marty” for his role in a “bring your own booze” party during the pandemic.

Politics Live: Boris Johnson resignation honours list revealed

Mr Reynolds rose to prominence at the heart of the parties scandal when he sent an email on 20 May 2020 inviting people for “socially distanced drinks” in the Number 10 garden during the first national lockdown.

Other key partygate figures on the list include Mr Johnson’s former press secretaries Jack Doyle and Guto Harri.

Key political allies of Mr Johnson have also been rewarded, including former cabinet ministers Jacob Rees-Mogg and Priti Patel.

However, while there are some controversial appointments, former minister Nadine Dorries and former Cop26 president Sir Alok Sharma were not put forward for the House of Lords.

More on Boris Johnson

There had been reports that the pair were in line to receive peerages but the government cut them from the list at the eleventh hour to avoid the prospect of two potentially damaging by-elections.

Ms Dorries stood down with “immediate effect” hours before the list was published.

Another notable absence includes Mr Johnson’s father Stanley Johnson, who The Times reported had been cut after No 10 raised objections.

Mr Johnson announced he would be leaving Downing Street almost 10 months ago following the collapse of his government.

There have been numerous reports since Mr Johnson left office that his list was initially too long, with opposition parties also accusing him of appointing allies to the House of Lords and abusing the system.

The prime minister’s resignation honours are granted by an outgoing prime minister according to tradition.

A prime minister can request the reigning monarch to grant peerages, knighthoods, damehoods or other awards in the British honours system to any number of people.

In the case of peerages, the House of Lords Appointments Commission vets the list.

Often, but not always, Downing Street staff, political aides and MPs are rewarded through the system.