A curious toddler has become the tiniest intruder to ever breach the perimeter of the White House after squeezing through a metal fence.

On Tuesday, the toddler was seen crawling through the fence on the north side of the executive building.

US Secret Service officers walked across the North Lawn to retrieve the toddler and reunite him with his parents on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Officers briefly restricted access to the area while the problem was resolved.

Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said officers “encountered a curious young visitor along the White House north fence line who briefly entered White House grounds”.

“The White House security systems instantly triggered Secret Service officers and the toddler and parents were quickly reunited,” he added.

The toddler was the first successful “intruder” at the complex since the White House fence was doubled in height after a series of security breaches.

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In September 2014, a Texas man carrying a knife scaled the fence, sprinted across the North Lawn and entered the White House.

Secret Service agents drew their guns and ordered the man to lie down, but the man resisted.

After resisting, the man was forcibly pushed to the ground, held down by an agent and searched.

Moments later, he was led off the lawn with his hands cuffed.