More than three weeks have passed since Nicola Bulley went missing and police have recovered a body near to where the mother-of-two was last seen.

Officers searching for the missing mother said they responded to reports of a body in the River Wyre but “no formal identification has yet been carried out”.

Police have previously said their “main working hypothesis” is that the 45-year-old mortgage adviser fell into the river during a “10-minute window” between 9.10am and 9.20am on 27 January.

Lancashire Constabulary have been at the sharp end of increasing scrutiny and criticism for their handling of the situation, particularly their decision to release information about Ms Bulley’s issues with alcohol due to “ongoing struggles with the menopause”.

Sky News breaks down how the search for the missing mum-of-two has unfolded, day by day.

27 January – The day she disappeared.

8.26am – Ms Bulley left her home with her two daughters, aged six and nine.

8.40am – The mother-of-two dropped off her children at school and chatted to a few people in the school yard.

8.43am – Ms Bulley walked along a path by the River Wyre, off Garstang Road, in the village of St Michael’s on Wyre – following the school drop-off.

8.47am – A dog walker – somebody who knows Ms Bulley – saw her walking around the lower field with her dog. Their two dogs interacted briefly before the witness left the field via the river path.

8.53am – Ms Bulley sent an email to her boss, followed by a message to a friend, six minutes later, making arrangements for a playdate for her children.

9.01am – Ms Bulley logged into a work conference call on Microsoft Teams.

9.10am – A witness – someone who knows Ms Bulley – saw her on the upper field walking her dog, Willow. The dog was not in its harness and off its lead. This is the last confirmed sighting of Ms Bulley.

9.20am – Police believe Nicola’s phone was left on a bench by the river.

9.30am – The conference call ended but Ms Bulley stayed logged on.

9.33am – Ms Bulley’s mobile phone was found on the bench by another dog walker. Her dog was found running between the bench and a gate to the field. The dog’s harness was found on the grass between the bench and the river’s edge.

This witness then made inquiries as to who owned the phone and spoke with people who recognised the dog as Ms Bulley’s.

10.50am – Ms Bulley’s family and the school her children attend were alerted about the situation.

28 January

Lancashire Constabulary deploy helicopters, drones and dogs as the missing person operation gets into full swing.

The North West underwater search team, Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service, and the Bowland Pennine mountain rescue team join the search.

29 January

Residents hold a meeting at the village hall to organise a search for the missing mum with around 100 people joining in.

Police warn volunteers to be careful as the river and its banks are “extremely dangerous”.

30 January

Lancashire Police say they are keeping an “open mind about what could have happened” adding that they are not treating the disappearance as suspicious.

31 January

Police speak with a potential witness who had been walking a small white dog near the river when the mother-of-two vanished.

Her family release a statement saying they had been “overwhelmed by the support” they had received and Ms Bulley’s daughters were “desperate to have their mummy back home safe”.

2 February

Divers from the North West Police Underwater and marine support unit search the area near where Ms Bulley’s phone was found.

Her sister Louise Cunningham tells Sky News: “There has got to be somebody who knows something and all we are asking is, no matter how small or big, if there is anything you remember that doesn’t seem right, then please reach out to the police. Get in touch and get my sister back.”

3 February

Police reveal their main hypothesis is that Ms Bulley fell into the river adding that it was “possible” an “issue” with her dog may have led her to tumble into the water.

They urged the public to look out for items of clothing Ms Bulley was last seen wearing and released a detailed list.

5 February

Police speak to a woman described as a “key witness” seen pushing a pram near where Ms Bulley went missing that morning.

6 February

Ms Bulley’s partner Paul Ansell releases a statement via Lancashire Police saying: “It’s been 10 days now since Nicola went missing and I have two little girls who miss their mummy desperately and who need her back.

“This has been such a tough time for the girls especially but also for me and all of Nicola’s family and friends, as well as the wider community and I want to thank them for their love and support.”

A private specialist diving team led by Peter Faulding search the river using specialist sonar equipment.

7 February

Lancashire Police dismiss claims of a criminal aspect to Ms Bulley’s disappearance as Mr Faulding tells the press he doesn’t believe she is in the water.

8 February

Police shift the focus of the search from the area Ms Bulley vanished to “further downstream” and out towards the sea with search teams spotted where the River Wyre empties into Morecambe Bay.

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Police search for Nicola Bulley off coast

9 February

Police issue a dispersal order to break up groups of what they described as “amateur sleuths” allegedly filming in the area surrounding where Ms Bulley disappeared.

12 February

Yellow ribbons with messages of hope are tied onto a bridge near where Ms Bulley was last seen by friends and family.

13 February

Wyre Council removes the contact details of councillors from its website citing “inappropriate emails and phone calls” regarding the disappearance.

14 February

Two people are arrested on suspicion of sending malicious communications relating to Ms Bulley’s disappearance.

Police say they received reports of messages being sent to local councillors.

15 February

Police hold a press conference on how the investigation has progressed as it enters the 20th day.

They reveal that Ms Bulley had been considered “high risk” due to “a number of specific vulnerabilities” but refused to elaborate further on what they were.

Later in the day, they unexpectedly clarified that Ms Bulley had suffered “significant issues with alcohol” due to “ongoing struggles with the menopause”.

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Why Nicola Bulley was listed as ‘high risk’

16 February

Lancashire Police’s decision to reveal Ms Bulley’s difficulties spark a widespread backlash.

MPs, among them Home Secretary Suella Braverman, criticise the force for “victim blaming” while women’s rights groups blast the force saying the statement has reinforced stereotypes that women are “hormonal” and “crazy”.

The family later release a statement saying: “As a family, we were aware beforehand that Lancashire Police, last night, released a statement with some personal details about our Nikki.

“Although we know that Nikki would not have wanted this, there are people out there speculating and threatening to sell stories about her. This is appalling and needs to stop.”

17 February

Lancashire Constabulary come under further criticism for releasing details of Ms Bulley’s personal issues with the information commissioner saying he will be investigating the decision to reveal them.

The dog walker who found Ms Bulley’s phone on the day she went missing tells Sky News that he thought “this wasn’t right” when he discovered the device.

Ernie Bulley, Nicola’s father, reveals that “every day has been a struggle” since his daughter went missing.

The prime minister says he is “concerned” by Lancashire Police’s decision to reveal Ms Bulley’s struggles with alcohol as the force announces it will conduct an internal review of the investigation.

19 February

A body is found near to where Ms Bulley went missing.

Lancashire Police release a statement saying: “We were called today at 11.36am to reports of a body in the River Wyre, close to Rawcliffe Road.

“An underwater search team and specialist officers have subsequently attended the scene, entered the water and have sadly recovered a body.

“No formal identification has yet been carried out, so we are unable to say whether this is Nicola Bulley at this time.

“Procedures to identify the body are ongoing. We are currently treating the death as unexplained.

“Nicola’s family have been informed of developments and our thoughts are with them at this most difficult of times. We ask that their privacy is respected.”