Placido Domingo, one of the world’s biggest opera stars, is facing new sexual harassment allegations, three years after a string of similar claims curtailed his career.

The accusations against Domingo, 81, were made by an unnamed Spanish singer in a television programme broadcast in Spain on Sunday.

Domingo, a Spanish tenor and baritone, is best known for performing with Jose Carreras and the late Luciano Pavarotti as “The Three Tenors” in the 1990s.

In 2020, an investigation by the American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA) concluded that Domingo had behaved inappropriately.

At the time more than three dozen singers, dancers, musicians, voice teachers and backstage staff said they had witnessed or experienced inappropriate behaviour by Domingo towards women at different opera houses over the last three decades.

Domingo originally disputed the investigation findings, saying he believed that “all of my interactions and relationships were always welcomed and consensual”.

He later said he respected the women’s decisions to speak out and that he was “truly sorry for the hurt I caused them,” adding: “I accept full responsibility for my actions”.

More on Placido Domingo

The latest claims were made on Spain’s La Sexta television channel, with the anonymous singer appearing as a dark figure.

She said Domingo allegedly asked to touch her at a theatre in Spain in the early 2000s. On another occasion, she said he tried to kiss her.

“One of the first things they tell you is don’t go up in the lift alone with Placido Domingo,” she said.

She added: “The first time that I felt unease was when we were rehearsing. He [Domingo] told me in front of everyone: ‘Listen, can I put my hand in one of these lovely pockets of yours?’ I was wearing trousers with an embroidered back pocket.

“I had a bad stomach because I thought, ‘What can I say to [Domingo] in order to carry on normally? If I tell him no, there will be consequences and if I say yes, I don’t even want to think about it’.”

She said she did not report Domingo to her bosses or the authorities, explaining: “He is Domingo. He is untouchable. He should not be, but I am in the shadows.”

Sky News has contacted Domingo’s representatives for comment.

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After the 2020 accusations became public, several opera houses around the world cancelled Domingo’s appearances.

He also resigned as the general director of Los Angeles Opera and withdrew from performances at New York’s Met.

No criminal case was brought to court over any of the claims.

In an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Mundo in January 2022, Domingo said he felt he had been convicted in the court of public opinion because he did not speak out and denied harassing anyone.

After a year and a half away from the spotlight, Domingo performed in a charity concert in Spain in June 2022.

He has performances scheduled across the world throughout the first half of 2023 and will be conducting a sold out special event in Muscat, Oman, this evening.