Michael Gove has dismissed a second referendum on Scottish independence as a “massive distraction” as he repeatedly refused to say whether the UK government will seek to block a possible vote in court.

Appearing on Sky News’ Sophy Ridge on Sunday programme, the cabinet minister said the SNP’s demand for another independence vote revealed a “skewed set of priorities” while the UK concentrates on recovery from COVID-19.

It comes after Nicola Sturgeon said Boris Johnson would be “picking a fight with the democratic wishes of the Scottish people” if he tries to block another referendum.

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Although the SNP fell one seat short of an overall majority, pro-independence parties will hold a majority of seats at Holyrood.

Asked if the government would seek to block a second referendum on Scottish independence, Mr Gove replied: “No, we’re not even going there at the moment.”

He added: “To start speculating about this type of legislation or that type of court hearing and all the rest of it, it’s just a massive distraction.”

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Asked whether there are any circumstances when the prime minister would agree to a second referendum on Scottish independence, Mr Gove replied: “It’s not an issue for the moment.

“Of course, the people of Scotland, as we saw in the referendum in 2014, they have that right, but it is absolutely important that we concentrate now on the issues in front of us.”

Mr Gove said the UK and Scottish governments should “concentrate on the things that unite us” rather than “constitutional wrangling” over a second independence referendum.

“If we get sucked into a conversation about referenda, constitutions and all the rest of it, then we are diverting attention from the issues that are most important to the people in Scotland and across the United Kingdom,” he added.

“Instead of concentrating on the things that divide, let’s concentrate on the things that unite and let’s concentrate on all of us to work together to serve the people that just vote for us.”

Referencing the SNP’s desire for a second referendum, Mr Gove said it was “a slightly skewed set of priorities to imagine that that is the most important issue” in the light of the pandemic recovery.

The prime minister has called a summit with the leaders of the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, saying the UK is “best served when we work together”.

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Indyref2 is the ‘will of the country’ – Sturgeon

Mr Johnson has written to Ms Sturgeon and Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford to invite them to talks to “discuss our shared challenges” in a bid to work together in what he called “Team UK”.

The PM will be sending a similar letter to Northern Ireland’s first and deputy first ministers.

It comes Ms Sturgeon said another referendum on Scottish independence “is the will of the country”

The Scottish first minister said the people of Scotland “must have the right to decide our own future when the COVID crisis has passed”, describing it as a “matter of fundamental democratic principle”.